Merry Christmas (Eve)! For this special episode of Unchained, three other crypto journalists and I discuss their favorite stories from the past twelve months, how they would grade crypto journalism in 2021, and what they are looking forward to covering in 2022. Show highlights:
- what stories Michael, Michael, Jeff, and I will remember from a ~busy~ 2021
- why 2021 is “clearly the biggest year” yet for the industry
- how CoinDesk, Forbes, and Decrypt can improve their news coverage in 2022
- what Michael, Michael, Jeff, and I think about all the negative energy directed at journalists from the crypto and tech space
- how mainstream media can do a better job covering crypto
- predictions for what the biggest stories of 2022 will be
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Crypto.com: https://crypto.onelink.me/J9Lg/unconfirmedcardearnfeb2021
Nodle: https://bit.ly/3AXGydJ
Michael Casey
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/mikejcasey
- CoinDesk: https://www.coindesk.com/
- Unchained Appearances
- Why Bitcoin Now: Michael Casey and Niall Ferguson on How Bitcoin Fits in the History of Money
- Live from SXSW: Michael Casey and Paul Vigna, Co-Authors of The Truth Machine, on Why the SEC Has Issued Subpoenas to ICOs
Michael del Castillo
Jeff Roberts
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